Andrea Celenza, PhD
Training and Supervising Analyst, Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute
Faculty, NYU Post-Doctoral Porgram in Psychoanalysis and The Florida Psychoanalytic Center
Assistant Clinical Professor,
Harvard Medical School
What makes life worth living?
This is a question that goes to the heart of our everyday experience. The ability to love, work, and play with joy, intensity, creativity, and freedom. These are signs of healthy, meaningful living. My psychotherapy and psychoanalysis practice is devoted to helping individuals and couples get as close as they can to these qualities and ways of living – with a deep respect for unconscious processes that can get in the way of these goals. Therapy conversations inevitably revolve around relationships (both past and present) that shape the way life is experienced. Many problems in living – anxieties, inhibitions, depressive feelings, compulsions, thwarted ambition, or fears of desire itself – revolve around our loving and sexual natures. After all, loving and being loved is the essence of being human.
Transference, Love, Being – Essential Essays from the Field

by Andrea Celenza, PhD.
Through a series of expansive essays, this book explores the centrality of love in psychoanalytic practice. Starting with the immersion of the analyst, this book reimagines several aspects of the psychoanalytic process, including transference, countertransference, boundaries, embodiment, subjectivity and eroticism. To love is to cultivate to be… read more >
Erotic Revelations: Clinical Applications and Perverse Scenarios

by Andrea Celenza, PhD.
This book is about erotic desires and fantasies, how our sexuality expresses our inner being and defines the ways in which we engage in the psychoanalytic situation. We are drawn… read more >
Erotic Transferences: A Contemporary Introduction

by Andrea Celenza, PhD.
This book offers a comprehensive introduction to this key, yet challenging aspect of the psychoanalytic process. Despite emerging frequently in the psychoanalytic process, Andrea Celenza highlights the sparseness of literature on erotic transferences and a tendency to desexualise psychoanalytic theorizing, which she posits is a result… read more >
Sexual Boundary Violations: Therapeutic, Academic, and Supervisory Contexts

by Andrea Celenza, PhD.
Sexual boundary violations are considered the most serious ethical infraction in the mental health profession, as well as in higher education and pastoral counseling. read more >
SBV: How do they happen?
This is a one and a half-hour video-recorded powerpoint lecture on the subject of sexual boundary violations and how they come about. It is a distillate of my teaching on this subject and is aimed at mental health practitioners of all disciplines. It is the perfect addition to any ethics course and/or can be viewed individually or by a group. Approval for continuing education credits is in progress.
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